What Should I Do if My Child Knocks Out a Baby Tooth?  

Knocking a tooth out can be a traumatic experience for your child and unsettling for you as a parent. The best thing you can do to help your child stay as calm as possible is to remain calm yourself. You should also understand that even knocking out a baby tooth requires a visit to an emergency dentist in Victorville, CA.

What to Do Immediately After Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

If you can spot the tooth, pick it up by the crown and not the roots to avoid contaminating or bending them. You also want to avoid running the tooth under water if you notice dirt on it. However, you can gather a dish of lukewarm tap water and clean it that way.

If you think it’s possible to put the tooth back in its socket, gently place it there along with a gauze pad and have your child bite down until you reach our office. When it’s obvious that the tooth will not go easily back into the socket, place it in a small container of milk and bring it to your child’s appointment at A. Paul S. Bell, D.D.S., Inc.

Why a Knocked Out Baby Tooth Requires Immediate Attention

Parents sometimes make the mistake of thinking that their child can go without the knocked out baby tooth until a permanent tooth grows in. However, premature loss of primary teeth can lead to eating problems, crooked teeth, and overcrowding as the permanent teeth erupt. Dr. Bell will insert a space maintainer to prevent nearby teeth from shifting to the spot on the gums where your child lost the baby tooth.

Please contact our pediatric dental practice at 760-274-3897 when you require the services of our emergency dentist in Victorville, CA. Your call will go to an answering service that will page us if the emergency occurs after hours.


Do I Have to Brush My Child’s Teeth?

Some parents don’t know if their child should brush their teeth on their own. Your child’s dentist in Victorville CA can tell you whether you should be brushing your child’s teeth for them, or if your child is capable of brushing their teeth on their own. Below, we’ll help you decide for yourself whether your child needs this kind of help.

When To Brush Your Child’s Teeth

Most children need their teeth to be brushed until they reach the age of about 7 or 8 years old. They need this help brushing their teeth because children don’t always have the manual dexterity to brush their own teeth properly, and many don’t have the discipline to brush their teeth for a full two minutes.

Left to their own devices, children may not brush their teeth for long enough, and may miss important parts of their teeth during the brushing process. Children are prone to cavities, and poor brushing habits can make that problem worse.

Best Practices When Brushing Your Child’s Teeth

When brushing your child’s teeth, brush for two minutes with a tooth brush that is the right size for a child. If your child is not old enough to understand that they should not swallow their toothpaste, buy them non-fluoridated toothpaste. Your child’s dentist can show you how to brush your child’s teeth properly.

If you need help brushing your child’s teeth, bring your child in for a dental exam in Victorville CA. At A Paul S Bell, DDS Inc, we can help you learn how to brush your child’s teeth. During your child’s dental exam, we’ll show you the best techniques for getting their teeth on the sides, back and front. Call today to make an appointment.

Can Children Have Gum Disease?

Certain oral health concerns are most often thought to be something that affects primarily older adults. Gum disease (periodontal disease) is the perfect example. However, children can sometimes need gum disease treatment in Victorville, CA just the same. Take a closer look at some of the things you may want to know about gum disease and children.

The Prevalence of Gum Disease in Children

Gum disease is actually highly common among children, even though this comes as a surprise to most parents when their child is diagnosed. Some sources have claimed that as many as 50 percent of children may have issues with gum disease.

What Causes Gum Disease in Children?

A build-up of tartar, lack of good oral hygiene habits, and even a lack of dental care can be common culprits behind childhood gum disease. However, some children may be more prone to gum disease than others. Some of the other causes of pediatric gum disease include:

  • Genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Hormonal changes
  • Tooth grinding
  • Certain medications
  • Auto-immune disorders

How to Prevent Childhood Gum Disease?

Childhood gum disease can oftentimes be prevented through good oral hygiene habits and a proactive preventive care plan with a dentist. Things like regular brushing and flossing and routine dental cleanings can substantially lower the risks of periodontal issues for most children. Also, pay attention to your child’s nutritional intake, water intake, and signs of poor oral health. For example, if you notice your child has swollen gums, it is important to talk to a dentist right away to get the issue addressed and diagnosed. Swollen gums can be one of the first signs of gun disease.

Talk to a Pediatric Dentist in Victorville, CA for Help

If your child is showing signs of gum disease, be sure to talk to a pediatric dentist in Victorville, CA for help. Contact us at the office of A. Paul S. Bell, D.D.S. to schedule an appointment for your child today.

Root Canals and Children: Common Parent FAQs

Even though root canal treatment is not all that common for children, occasionally, the procedure may be necessary. Even though knowing your child needs a root canal in Victorville can be a little scary, rest assured we will take the best care of your child throughout treatment at our office. Here is a look at some of the questions parents often have when their child needs endodontic treatment.

How do you know if your child needs a root canal?

When a child needs a root canal, they will usually present with certain symptoms, such as:

  • Swollen gums or gums that seem severely inflamed
  • Toothache
  • Sensitivity to foods that are hot or cold
  • Darkened gum tissue

In addition, a child may need a root canal if they have sustained some level of tooth trauma. For example, if you see that a tooth is broken or cracked, you should seek the help of a pediatric endodontist.

Are root canals safe for children?

Root canals are just as safe for children as they are for adults. In fact, performing a root canal on an ailing tooth can be beneficial for your child’s health, especially if the tooth is infected.

Will your child be in pain during the procedure?

Before a root canal is performed, the dentist will give the child a local anesthetic. Some children may need mild anesthesia during the procedure with laughing gas (nitrous oxide) to keep them comfortable and calm.

Talk to a Pediatric Dentist in Victorville, CA

In the event your child has an ailing tooth, you will definitely want to do whatever you can to fix the issue and protect their future smile. If you suspect your child needs a root canal, reach out to us at the office of Paul S. Bell, DDS, a pediatric dentist in Victorville, CA.

Benefits of Dental Sealant For Children

If you have children, you know the many struggles that can come regarding the treatment of cavities. Since most kids tend to not enjoy visiting a dentist to get a cavity filled, dental sealants may be the answer. If you’re ready to find out how, here are some ways dental sealants in Victorville benefit children.

Prevent Cavities

First and foremost, dental sealants can be a great way to prevent cavities from forming in your child’s teeth. Should your child be like other kids and consume various foods that are high in sugar, this increases the likelihood they will develop cavities. By using dental sealants in Victorville, these will limit bacterial growth in their mouth, prevent pitting and fissures on teeth, and thus lead to few if any cavities being able to form.

Easy to Apply

If you want to see a child squirm while seated, watch them do so when sitting in a dentist’s chair. However, when getting sealants applied to their teeth, they won’t have time to do much squirming, since dental sealants only take mere minutes to apply. Best of all, there is generally no pain or discomfort associated with the applying of dental sealants, which will make your child’s dental visit even more pleasant.

Reduced Dental Costs

Even if you have dental insurance, trip after trip to the dentist to get cavities filled can eventually start to get expensive. By relying instead on dental sealants, dental costs for your child are significantly lowered. In doing so, you can then focus more on preventive care, rather than always having a crisis such as a cavity.

If you believe your child would be an excellent candidate for dental sealants, make an appointment soon to speak with your child’s dentist in Victorville. Once you do, you may discover even more ways dental sealants can benefit your child’s oral health.

How Can I Convince My Child to Floss?

Teaching a child to floss has got to be one of the more difficult tasks in life. The small hands and short attention spans make it frustrating to establish this habit. If you don’t want to give into the frustration, we’ll give you a few tips to make it a little easier (for both of you).

Create Positive Associations

  1. Paul S. Bell, D.D.S Inc. in Victorville, CA knows that half the battle is just getting your child to associate an act with something positive. Instead of mandating flossing or punishing them if they don’t, try a different tactic. This could mean flossing with them, putting on their favorite song, or buying a brightly colored floss that tastes great. You can even set up a rewards system, so the child can work toward a larger goal.

Give In a Little

Being too rigid about flossing isn’t recommended when it comes to the values you impart to your child. For instance, you might have heard that traditional floss is the best route to cleaner teeth. While this is true, the floss picks may be easier on your child’s hands. Your goal is to get them to care about their teeth, so it’s perfectly acceptable to compromise at this age.

Finding the Right Dentist

If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Victorville, CA, Dr. Bell is known for helping parents get their little ones on the right path in life. Flossing is an important part of maintaining your teeth and preventing future problems, and it’s invaluable for kids to make it a part of their routine now. If you’re looking for a dentist who specializes in young people, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

4 Steps to Prepare Your Toddler for Their First Visit to the Dentist

Some toddlers enjoy their first visit to the dentist, while others get nervous or even upset. As a parent, there are many things you can do to prepare your child for their first dentist appointment in Victorville, CA. Taking these steps can help you make your child’s first visit to the dentist an overall more positive one.

1. Talk Positively About Visiting the Dentist

Children absorb their parents’ views by listening to them talk and by observing their attitudes toward others. If you talk positively about the dentist, then you’ll signal to your child that there is nothing to fear by visiting the dentist. Make a point of saying nice things about the dentist after your visit.

2. Read Books About Visiting the Dentist

There are many children’s books about visiting the dentist. Take time to read to your child from age-appropriate books with pleasing illustrations. Talk to your child about the stories afterward to further make an impression on your child.

3. Choose a Time When Your Child Will Be Relaxed

Avoid appointments that occur either before your child’s nap or at the end of the day when your child is more likely to be worn out. Schedule the visit for a time when your child will be more relaxed, compliant, and tolerant of new experiences.

4. Find the Right Dentist

Most important of all is to find the right dentist in Victorville, CA. Call around to find a dentist with pediatric experience who can make your child’s first visit a positive one overall. Dr. Paul Bell has been practicing dentistry for decades and is a Fellow of the American Society Dentistry for Children. To make an appointment, call today.


4 Ways to Help Your 5 Year Old Care for Their Teeth

Five-year-olds are in a funny developmental position. They’re old enough to learn the basics of tooth care. At the same time, they still need a lot of supervision and help during tooth brushing and other oral care routines. If you’re a parent of a five-year-old, here’s what you need to know about helping your child take care of their teeth.

1. Let Your Child Choose Their Toothpaste

Children like to have control over their environment. You’ll get more buy-in from your child around their tooth care routines if you let them choose their own toothpaste. You might have to get experimental with your child, allowing them to choose a different toothpaste every time you buy a new tube. If your child is picky, try to purchase the smallest tubes possible, so you can go through them quickly until you find the right flavor.

2. Model Good Tooth Care

Show your child what it means to take good care of your teeth. Brush your teeth for two minutes each time you brush. Show your child what you’re doing. Let your child brush their own teeth at the same time that you’re brushing yours.

3. Help Your Child Brush Their Teeth

Most 5-year-olds don’t have the hand-eye coordination to effectively brush their teeth. You’ll have to do some of this for them. If your child is resistant to having someone else brush their teeth, let them practice their tooth brushing skills at the end.

4. Take Your Child to the Dentist Regularly

Take your child to the dentist for regular check ups. Doing this helps them learn about the importance of oral hygiene, and also gives them a chance to get comfortable around the dentist. To make your next appointment with Dr. Bell, call today.

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