Does Your Child Need a Root Canal?

Children are not immune from the medical and dental conditions that affect adults, including the need to have aroot canal in Victorville CA. The purpose of a pediatric root canal is to remove diseased and inflamed pulp within the chamber of a tooth before it causes widespread infection.

Baby Teeth Are Important, Too

Dr. A. Paul S. Bell performs root canals on both adult and pediatric patients. Some parents wonder why the latter is necessary since the primary teeth fall out anyway. Losing a baby tooth to disease or infection too soon can cause your child to have issues with proper tooth alignment, speech, and chewing ability. A root canal helps to preserve your child’s tooth until it is ready to fall out on its own.

How to Know if Your Child Needs a Root Canal

The younger your child is, the more challenging it is to know what is wrong when they cry or complain of mouth pain. We encourage you to schedule an exam for your child if you notice any of the symptoms listed below.

  • Broken, chipped, or cracked floor
  • Darkened gums surrounding the affected tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks that persists for several seconds
  • Sore or swollen gums

Dr. Bell will inspect your child’s teeth and gums and let you know if he recommends a pediatricroot canal in Victorville CA or another treatment.

The Root Canal Process

Dr. Bell gives your child anesthesia at the start of the appointment to relieve discomfort and then removes the diseased pulp from the tooth chamber with handheld dental tools. He will then cover the tooth with a crown to protect it from further infections. Please reach out to schedule an exam if you think your child shows signs of needing a pediatric root canal.

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